Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pay it forward 3

The last thing that I did that I helped my elderly neighbor carry in her groceries. She was a little mad because she said that she could do it herself. But she had dropped the watermelon all over her floor. I also helped her clean it up, it was funny because it was everywhere. In the end she was content with me helping and asked me to come back to help me later.

Pay it forward 2

The second thing I did was I cleaned my neighbor's backyard, and this proved efficient because I mowed his lawn, and he was really happy, he even offered me money. But I refused the money because I told him that I was paying it forward, he kept offering the money so I just left. It went unexpected because I did not want the money, he also did not know that I was mowing the lawn so I got in trouble.

Pay it forward

The first thing I did is I gave my bike to my neighbor who is less fortunate then me because he had no transportation and could not get to school. I think this was a great opportunity for him because he can get to and from a lot easier then he normally could, and he could also make it to school on time. Since his parents can't drive him. This will also be good for him because he wanted a bike very badly to ride around, overall it went well.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Justin H's Ideas

I was thinking that I could do my project on Global Warming. Also maybe taking care of my bedridden grandmother because she cannot move, this means making her food, stretching her out, and giving her her pills. Also maybe donating a bike to less fortunate people.