Friday, February 29, 2008

Justin's Trial Reflection.

Justin’s Trial Reflection.

One of my strengths in the trial was my opening statement. I think it was strong enough to persuade the jury to prove that jack was innocent. I think I used the main points, and got to the point and was concise. The details were important because they helped us when the case, and I was also very clear and loud. This is important because the jury heard loud and clear what I was doing. This was important because I met what I was supposed to do. And even though I didn’t talk a lot, my parts were important. I think I deserve a b+ because I didn’t talk that much, but my parts were good.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reflection for Short Story

Title: Abducted Toys
Author: Justin H.
Genre: Science-Fiction
Mentor Texts: I am Legend, Independence Day
Audiences: All Audiences I think that this will apply to all audiences because it has violence, but not a lot. I think that maybe it could be 10+ because of the minor violence. But overall, it will be a story for any generation.

Writing Process: I used peer draft editing with Andy L, Jose A, also my sister, and mother revised it to help me understand key changes that I needed to make to it. I also made several changes and drafts and my teacher Ms. Staff helped revise it.

Publishing Process: I am planning to make a cover for my draft. And also bind it using the store of Staples or my school. I think that in the end it will turn out fine and look nice when it is all binded.